
Baby it's cold outside

We woke up this morning to an icy cold Arizona. The kids looked outside and yelled, ”it snowed”. Our trampoline was filled with icy snow from being wet from the sprinklers so they ran out there and had a good ol time. It reminded me of the days when I woke up in Colorado and saw snow all over the ground for the first time each winter morning, it was so white and beautiful and glistened in the sun, and all you wanted to do as a kid was run out and play.

So our kids had fun playing on the trampoline and finding icicles all over the bushes. Isn't it beautiful?


The escape

I want to introduce you to the newest addition to the Bower family, she is fluffy, brown, sweet, and cute as can be and her name is, CaNdy!  Candy is a Teddy Bear hamster and she was Brielle's Christmas present.  Brielle feel in love instantly with little Mrs. Candy.  Candy got her name because Brielle loves candy so she figured it's fitting!  Our little Candy is an escape artist, she can climb out of ANYTHING, it's our nightly entertainment to watch as she makes and executes her escape plans!  We love our little Candy Cane.



My Ellie got all A's and 4's on her report card therefore getting the Gold Honor Roll.....Nice job Brielle you're such a smartypants!



Look who Colby met on the street today, so cool, I Love Gallagher! I remember watching him as a kid and loving it, brings back memories!


silly, crazy, weird

I love how silly, fun, crazy, and weird my kids are!  They are so fun!