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Schools out for summer

Both of my kids had their last days of school.  I can’t believe my little guy is going to be in Pre kindergarten and my big girl is going to be a 2nd grader… oh my goodness.  That is just crazy.  We were really blessed this year cause both of my kids has wonderful school experiences and awesome teachers. 

These last few weeks both of the kids have had lots of fun activities at school.  Cooper had a way cute Spring Fling.  The kids stood on stage and sang several cute songs with hand motions.  He was so excited about singing.  I was excited that it was over since he had been singing these songs in the car for the last two months or so getting prepared for his big performance.  It was actually the most adorable thing ever.  The kids did a wonderful job and just beamed with happiness.  Then on the very last day of school Cooper’s class had water day.  He LOVED water day cause they even did a Bar b Que and Cooper loved having hot dogs and chips with his people (that’s what he calls his preschool friends).  They played in pools, went down the water slide, and even did the slip and slide.  I was so glad I was able to be there to watch him at water day and eat bar-b-que with him. 

Next was Brielle’s week of fun.  They did a fun activity everyday such as movie day, read a thon, game day and Brielle’s favorite water day.   She came home everyday excited to tell me about all the fun activities they did.  Their school does water day on the last day of the year every year and it’s a huge event.  I was able to volunteer and it was quit a production.  There were tons of activities for the kids to do, lots of yummy snacks for them to eat, and lot of parents there to volunteer.  It was such a fun day and I felt really blessed that I was able to help out with Brielle’s water day also.  As an added bonus Brielle got her report card and got all 4’s (which are like A’s)  Yeppie Brielle you are a smarty-pants. 

My kids have had a super duper school year, but we are sure ready for summer and swimming. 

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