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Boom boom clap

Some of our yearly activities have come to an end now that summertime has arrived, one of those activities that has come and gone is tumbling.  We signed Brielle up for tumbling this year with Debbie Gherkins just thinking maybe we’d give it a try and see if she’d like it and guess what she LOVED it and she is good at it.  I was so impressed with Debbie’s teaching abilities.  She had those girls doing thing I could never had imagined.  The one thing I loved was that when it was tumbling time it wasn’t playtime.  Brielle loved going to tumbling so much that we have signed her up for next year and she even moved up to the next level class.  You go girl!

At the end of tumbling they had their recital and it was really good.  It was fun to watch how excited Brielle was to perform in front of everyone.  I was so nervous that she would forget her moves, but she didn’t she hit everything 100%!  Kinley her cousin also took tumbling there and she is like a little energizer bunny tumbling across the floor flipping this way and that doing moves that I could only dream of!   These girls are so good I can’t wait to see what they’ll do next year.  Girls you make us so proud, way to go!

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Reader Comments (1)

Do you have a video of her tumbling? I would love to see her in action. I always thought she looked like she could be a good gymnast!

June 1, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterPosti Gang

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