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a flakey tradition

My sweet cousin, Jessica, always has all the Flake’s over for a fun Christmas celebration. She started it about three years ago and has continued it since then. It is so fun and we really look forward to it every year. It's great because there are tons of kids, lots of adults, super yummy food, great conversations, kids yelling, people laughing, and everyone having fun. Now that my cousins (I think there are like 80 something of them) and I are older we really don’t get to see each other much so events like this are really fun just to be able to see each other and get caught up and see what everyone is up to.

This year Jessica did an Italian Potluck theme and it was awesome. The food was so great. We all brought a dish and enjoyed. Then we had yummy dessert and a hot chocolate bar. The best part was just watching the kids have fun with their cousins. They roasted marshmallows, made a huge mess in the playroom, jumped on the trampoline, and even tried to start their own little fire. It was great fun! Thank Jessica for the fun Christmas memory that we look forward to every year. Next year we’ll have to do what Erin said and hire you a maid to come clean your house after we all leave.

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