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the twinkling of the lights

Anyone who knows me knows going to see lights is something that I find to be absolutely spectacular, magical, and a holiday must. I think Christmas doesn’t seem like Christmas until we get to walk around in the freezing cold weather, bundled up in our jackets with our little hats and seeing the twinkle of all the beautiful holiday lights. I just love it. It truly is something I absolutely love. This year the lights that we got to enjoy were many, some I did with Colby and some I was nice and let Colby hang at home while I took the kids. If you are looking for a magical moment with your family try one of these holiday light event below next year or guess what you can even go still this year…

Zoolights: We did this with our good friends, Amy and Scott. This was wonderful and the best part is Jenga the talking Giraffe. The lights are spectacular and really well done.

Cursing the Neighborhood: Every year I love to take walks or drives around different neighborhoods just to see the lights and the houses all decked out with fun, bright, beautiful lights. Some are crazy, some professional, some colorful, some white, but all different in there own way and usually done with love.

Val Vista Lakes: We do this every year with our neighbors across the street. It is something we have done for the past 4 or 5 years. First we do dinner, then we head to the lights, which are so beautiful. I love them because they take like 20 minutes to walk through, there are great picture spots, there are beautiful waterfalls, and it is free, they just ask for a can food donation. How great is that? After the lights we always exchange gifts and chat. It is very fun and we love hanging with them.

McCormick Ranch Train Park: This is one of my favorite places to go. It is so beautiful and Cooper loves it cause it has the best train. The only thing is that if you do it go early cause it gets way busy it is that great. We go and let the kids play at the awesome play ground, have sandwiches there, and then get in line for the train early before the crowd of people. (I’m so sad cause we missed it this year cause of all the rain, maybe next year.)

Temple Lights: I love to do the temple lights they are free, beautiful and only take about 30 minutes to walk around and see the whole thing. Also, it’s nice cause they have a wonderful nativity scene so it always makes us remember the reason for the season. We see lots of Santa, but not as much of Jesus so I love to do a few things that the Nativity.

These are a few of my favorite things.

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Reader Comments (1)

I love looking at the lights too! One of my favorite things! I'll miss zoo lights, walking around with kettle corn, bundled up but not freezing to death. That is the best!

January 2, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterCrystal

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