give the men knives and let them at it

The other day we did pumpkin carving. This is something we do every year and I love it. Maybe because I get to sit back and take pictures while Colby does all the creative work for once. He is usually the one who does all the carving and the kids just have a blast.
This year we invited The Boberg’s over for dinner and “THE CARVE-A-THON”. It was way fun. I think it is so cool when the kids reach into the ooowee gooey pumpkin for the first time to clean it out. It is so slimy and yucky and they just love it. You can tell they really want to take a hand full of that gooey mess and fling it across the room and make a huge mess until they look at me and I give them the eye and they’re brought back to reality. We had tons of fun being creative, taking a big, fat, round, orange vegetable and making it into a sweet little creation by carving a cool face on it, and then lighting it up and watching it glow in the dark.
What more can you ask for?
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