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trick or treat smell my feel give me something good to eat

What an awesome holiday Halloween is. I just love it, what other holiday is it cool to dress up however you want and knock on complete strangers door and demand candy? It’s a beautiful thing. Then after you get all the candy you could ever want from a bunch of strangers you get to eat as much of it as you want and stay up way to late until you are finally off your sugar high and then crash hard into bed without a bath, it doesn’t get any better. You gotta love it.  (Check out our video at the very bottom and see all the fun we had!)

This year we started our Halloween at 4:00 with my sister (Erin) and her family at a neighborhood by Entz Elementary where Brielle goes to school. The Spuhlers invited us over to their neighborhood black party that they do every year. It was so much fun, it was like a mini carnival. They block off part of the street and literally party. They had little games, snow cone, hotdogs, popcorn, and a bouncer. It was really fun, I love stuff like that. The kids had a blast and we had fun spending an hour with my side of the family before we headed to Colby’s sisters house for our annual soup and trick or treating.

This year we did our trick or treating at Jami and Scott’s house. We always start our Halloween with some yummy homemade soups for dinner and then get the kids already and take one big group picture and hope for a good one and then head out to trick or treat around the neighborhood.

This year we went out about 6:30 it was a little different because usually Colby’s mom come from Oklahoma just to see the kids and spend a few days here for Halloween and she didn’t this year (or so we thought). So as we are trick or treating this really interesting clown came up to Brielle and started to take her candy bucket, Brielle was horrified and immediately said “No, give me my candy” and ran behind Colby. I kind of thought it was weird because this clown was clearly an adult and I had been watching then for a couple of houses thinking, “Why are these adults trick or treating,” but decided to keep going and have fun. Then when she did that to Brielle’s candy I was a bit horrified myself.  Then this clown would not leave Brielle alone she was very persistent. I almost yelled out, excuse me she is afraid of clowns can you please back off, but before I could say it this clown said, “Hey you little moron give me your candy.” Right when I heard that I knew it was Colby’s mom. (The moron thing is a little family joke, she said she use to say that to her kids when they were younger, not sure if that is true or not) Anyway, the kids were so excited to see their Grandma Bonnie and I was excited, but still in a bit of shock. It was a fun Halloween surprise. You got us good Bonnie. Happy Halloween to everyone, hopefully yours was as fun and eventful as ours.

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Reader Comments (3)

Love the video! Thanks for spending a bit of time with us- it was fun to have you around for the fun!

November 2, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterErin (the lil sis)

You guys had the best Halloween month ever! You totally take the cake Heather. I love the costumes and all the great fun you had. That's a funny story about Colby's mom.

Remember when we went trick or treating when we were like 18 years old? Yeah, who's idea was that?

November 3, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterChristie

Fun times! You guys did have a lot of fun, it sounds like! Your kids looked adorable in their costumes!

November 3, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterSarah

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