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in a pumpkin patch far, far away....

Today was Brielle's school annual Halloween parade and Grandpa’s Pumpkin Carving (annual for them, first time for us) and since she doesn’t have a grandpa that lives here, (so sad) Colby had to play the grandpa role and do the pumpkin carving. We watched the parade which was so fun to see all the kids parade around the school in their cute costumes. It always gives me so many ideas for years to come that I never thought of and then it was time for the kids to do a little singing and the pumpkin carving. The kids sang about 5 Halloween songs that were so precious.  I was wondering why Brielle has been practicing those 5 songs over and over in the cars everyday on the way home and now I know. Then came the part that we prepared for all night last night; the pumpkin carving.

I figured this pumpkin better be perfect since we went to 5 stores and a pumpkin patch to find the dumb thing and finally found a pumpkin at Trader Joes. All the stores were out of pumpkins. I couldn’t believe it. It was such a fiasco. (Enough ranting about that, cause I could go on and on about it.) Anyway, Colby found the best pumpkin online that Brielle was just going to love; a Princess Leia pumpkin from Star Wars. 

So they copied it. It turned out so awesome, it looked way good, check her out. Everyone was impressed it was by far the most creative and impressive pumpkin there (way to go Gramps).  Brielle, you should be so proud of your daddy he out did himself this year on the Princess Leia pumpkin. Now, I am not so sure how Brielle is going to take it when she finds out we have to throw her away after a few days. Oh well, we’ll cross that bridge when we get there.

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Reader Comments (3)

Ahhh, that turned out so cute!

November 1, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterAmy Posti & Gang

Your pumpkin is so cute!! Glad you had a fun day and that you joined us for a bit! So fun to have you hang out. Your kids looked adorable too!

November 2, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterKristen

LOVE IT! That is an awesome pumpkin; one that my fam would love!

November 3, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterSarah

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