halloween carnival

Our kids were so stinken cute as we headed over to a fun little neighborhood Halloween carnival with the Posti girls in the LDS church parking lot by our house. It was great because there were tons of neighborhood friend there, the kids got to dress up and it was just simple and easy and not a huge fuss and totally fun. We had hot dogs, nachos, popcorn, and candy of course. There were fun little games like the cake walk, ring toss, donut eating, dart toss, football toss, but I think the best thing there was this fun little train thing that they rigged up. The kids loved it. I think it was their favorite part of the whole little carnival. Cooper could have done it all night if I let him. Anyway, it was a great time had by all. Thanks Jennifer for making sure we were invited.
Reader Comments (1)
Glad you had fun! Too bad I had to spend the whole time "guarding" the cupcakes. I would have loved to have seen all the neighborhood kids play the games. Oh, well. There's always next year. . . :)