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Freedom, Kick Stands & Skinned Knees

Brielle did it, she conquered the bike without the training wheels. Yeppie. Colby took her out and helped her get started and she took off. It is so fun to see her riding around on her bike anywhere she wants to go, FREEDOM. We went for a walk the other day and seeing her on her little bike riding around stopping, starting, getting frustrated, falling, crying, yelling, smiling, it really brought back a flood of childhood memories. I totally remember my dad holding onto the back of my seat and then eventually letting me go and me just feeling like I was a little butterfly able to do and go anywhere like I was flying. What fun childhood memories. I love being a mommy and being able to create wonderful memories for my sweet kids that hopefully one day they’ll remember with their kids. I also love the fact that my kids have such a good daddy to help them, thanks Colby for all you do with the kids, they sure love you and so do I!

Brielle Bike Riding from Colby Bower on Vimeo.


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Reader Comments (2)

Aww, that is so fun! It is bitter-sweet when they conquer something new. So exciting though!

October 26, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterCrystal

We took Livvy's training wheels off too, but have not had any success. That is wonderful that she is doing so well. I am impressed!

October 28, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterSarah

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