our little man, not so little anymore

Tuesday was Coopers birthday and I can’t believe that he is THREE. He is getting to be such a big boy. I look back at the past three years and truly wonder where has all the time gone. It seems like just yesterday I was worried that I wasn’t going to be having my miracle baby. For anyone who doesn’t know the story when we first found out we were going to have our little Cooper they said I would for sure have a miscarriage because my hormone levels that are suppose to go up when you are pregnant (which of course I don’t know all the medical terms, I leave that up to my sister) were going down so they said to come back in two weeks they would redraw my blood to recheck the levels and go over my options. (They were very good and helpful, but there was nothing more they could do) I was so sad, upset, confused, and hurting. I just didn’t know what to do, so I did lots of praying and went in and they drew my blood levels again and to their and my amazement the levels went back up. They said they have never really seen that happen before so I always call Cooper my little miracle baby. He was obviously meant for us. After that I was just so grateful I tried so hard not to complain about being pregnant, I just wanted to see my little man and once I did I was in heaven he was so darn cute and still is. We are so blessed to have our sweet Cooper around to enjoy everyday.
Anyway, three years later we have just had a blast getting to know this little sweetheart and all his silly ways. Anyone who knows our Cooper just knows how cute, quirky, quiet, loving, sweet, smiley, and much more our Coopy is. One thing that he is is a bit OCD about stuff and one thing would be his addiction to trains. Not really sure why he just LOVES them. We’ve never really understood it since we don’t really have any type of train fascination ourselves, but he is fascinated with them. So we did a whole Train themed birthday. On Monday night we met Colby at the McCormick Ranch Train Park for some fun. We rode the carousel, played at the park and of course did the wonderful train that they have. (Cooper was in train heaven), then we ate at In-n-Out for one of Coopers favorite foods French Fries. Finally, we ended the night with his second favorite food Ice Cream at Cold Stone Creamery. It was a really fun night with the family. (Remember you can always click on our pictures to make them Zoom across the screen and get nice and big, I love it)
Then on Tuesday we did his real party at Peter Piper Pizza for a fun little lunch with close neighborhood friends and family. It was really fun and stress free. (I do have to thank my friend Jackie for the idea, she did it first and I copied and I am so glad I did) Anyway, we had fun just eating pizza, playing games, having mini cupcakes (that I made from a boxed caked mix if you can believe it) and opening presents. Oh and guess what it was a Thomas the Train theme, that made it even better, Cooper was in heaven. It was fun just hanging out with friends and family. This was such and easy party. After we got home Cooper was so tired he fell right to sleep for a little nappy time. Night, night Birthday boy. (This is our little birthday tribute and thank you to all who were able to make it to our train party, what a bunch of cute kids in this video)
I just wanted to say that I love all the wonderful people we have that hang with us and support us and sure love my little Cooper. Thanks everyone for coming we sure love you all.
Happy 3rd Birthday my sweet Cooper. You’re the best boy ever. We love you tons.
Reader Comments (3)
Too cute! We had such a great time--thanks for inviting us!
Happy Birthday Cooper. We sure do LOVE YOU!
Dang what a cute movie!! And the kids weren't so bad either! Thanks again.. we had a blast!