gorgeous gourds

Okay so if you are needing some Halloween or Fall inspiration check in each day because I am going to do some fun Halloween/fall activities for the next four days up until Halloween just to get us into the spirit.
Today we did a really fun activity I found last year in my Family Fun magazine (which by the way if you haven’t seen this magazine it is awesome if you have kids), the activity was called Gorgeous Gourds. It was really fun and turned out so cute. It would be really fun to do even after Halloween. I got gourds for really cheap at Walmart (2 different bags of different varieties) and then the kids and I went on a nature walk. We headed to Country Side Park and found fun thing to decorate our gourds such as pinecones, pine needles, rocks, leaves, pods, beans, berries, etc. Then we went home and later that night made our cute little creations. Are they not so fun, adorable and so creative? We had tons of fun and it was way cheap. (Oh FYI I used a hot glue gun to keep everything together) Now we have two cute gourd characters decorating our kitchen. The fat little round one is Brielle’s and the tall, skinny one is Cooper’s, cute little creatures. Have fun creating!!! (Oh don't forget you can always click on our pictures to see them nice and big, isn't Cooper cute with his gourd creation.)
Reader Comments (1)
That looks like so much fun! I love both of the little gourd people. Great idea Heather...I think I just might do it. That was a great idea to take them to the park to find their own things to put on the gourds. I bet they loved it. You are awesome.