to be a kid again

The other day I had to Sub as a librarian for two days straight and Colby was out of town, so when I came home I was basically a single mommy. What a job. I tell you it really put into perspective what my mom must have gone through raising two girls on her own and just trying to get by everyday. I was so stinken tired not even tired, I was EXHAUSTED!!! It really made me so grateful for my husband and really made me miss him and appreciate all he does for us. I had to call my mom that night and ask her how she ever managed to do it, how she managed to raise two girls on her own that turned out to be two pretty good girls.
Anyway, after I got home from teaching I had to clean up the house, make dinner, make Pampered Chef phone calls, help Brielle with her letters, play with the kids, and then finally get the kids to bed I just wanted to go to sleep, but I just couldn’t until I snapped this picture of my two cute kids. It really made me think how wonderful it would be to be a kid again. My kids had so much fun together that night even though I was the witch mom I did decide to let them sleep together. I was so tired, but I still did their bedtime routine of bath, movie, and reading together, but when it came time for bed they wanted to sleep together so I just didn’t have the energy to argue and let them. After 20 or so minutes of me yelling at them to stop laughing, talking, and playing I went in there to find them like this. Are they not so dang cute and innocent looking. It makes me think of a blog entry my friend Amy wrote that I really loved that said,
“ I wish I could ...
*fall asleep within the first five minutes of laying down
*sleep in any position and be comfortable
*sleep through someone walking into my room (or taking a picture)
*stay asleep while someone picks me up to move me into a better position
*sleep for 10+ hours without waking up several times a night
*wake up in the morning, refreshed and energetic, ready for the day
Oh, to be a kid! “
My kids and husband are so special to me and I love being a stay at home mommy. I am blessed to be able to stay at home with them, because if I had to work everyday I might be one grouchy mom.
Reader Comments (1)
I am right there with you girl! Seeing them sleep is so sweet!