our dorky school boy

Cooper is still struggling a bit with his favorite sister (okay his only sister) going to all day Kindergarten. Everyday when we drop her off he says, “bye, bye Brielle- Love you” and then as she is walking to her playground he screams, “ME SCHOOL, ME SCHOOL” so the other day when he got home he decided to get dressed and ready for school, backpack and all. It was so cute and quite an interesting outfit. He had to put on his shorts and of course his belt like daddy (he even did the slight tuck of the shirt like Colby) and then next came the shirt and the sock and then of course the tennis shoes which were way too small. Finally he HAD to have his own backpack, but not just any backpack he wanted a Thomas the Train backpack. Well we don’t have Thomas the Train so after a few minutes of negotiation we finally settled on Brielle’s little Barbie backpack filled with all his Thomas The Trains. He was ready for school and out the door he went. Little did he know he was not going to school he was going to play at Jackie’s house for the morning with Carter. Oh well he loved it over there. So now everyday when we take Brielle to school he has to bring his Barbie Backpack like Brielle so he can go to school after her. Kids do the darndest things.
Reader Comments (3)
Heather, that is so cute! I remember on the girls' first day of school I was taking their pictures. So of course Brock wanted his picture too. He even tried to get on the bus with them. He's still got over 2 years before he gets to ride the bus! How does Colby feel about his son with a Barbie backpack? I'm not telling Cory that Brock requested to watch Barbie Rapunzel this morning!
That is way too cute! I love the belt (and how its missing a loop!) and the shirt tuck! What a stud!
I think it's great that he is secure enough in his manhood to wear a pink Barbie backpack. Colby should be proud. He is so cute Heather!