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pancakes, santa and snow... ho, ho, ho..

Well Santa made his first appearance in Arizona today and the kids were right there waiting to tell him exactly what they wanted. Every year since Breille has been little we have done Breakfast with Santa and it is quiet fun. It sure beats waiting in the long line at the mall to see the big man in red. We usually go with our neighbors and enjoy a pancake breakfast with Santa. This year it was great cause we got to sit right up front by him the kids and Nate thought that was really cool. Breille kept saying Hi Santa. They ate so fast so that they could go up there and tell him what they wanted for Christmas. When it came time to actually sit on his lap Cooper wanted nothing to do with it. (As you can clearly see in the picture) He wanted down to play in the snow right away. Brielle of course could have stayed up there all day chatting his ear off. She asked him for a two-wheeled scooter like Aubrey’s.

Then we headed out into the 80-degree sun, well it was pretty warm maybe in the 70’s, and played in the snow that was brought in. Which is always a blast since that is about the closest thing to snow our kids ever see. They loved it throwing snowballs at each other, trying to make a snowman, and in the end realizing how freaken’ cold snow really is. Cooper’s poor hands were freezing, but he kept wanting more. He could have played in the snow all day. We might have to make a trip to the snow this year, it makes me miss Colorado, for about a minute. We had a blast eating breakfast with Santa and I can't wait till next year to continue the tradition.  (Colby might have a different opinion on that one!)

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Reader Comments (3)

That looks like tons of fun. I am sad my kids are no longer interested in hanging out with Santa. At our Ward party, both kids refused to sit on Santa's lap until they realized they got a huge pixie-stick from Santa if they went to sit with him. That convinced them, they sat for about 1 minute, snagged their pixie stick and quickly moved out of the not-so-cool photo shot.

December 7, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterErin (the lil sis)

I love those pictures! Cooper is so funny. I'm sure my kids would throw a fit if I wanted them to sit with Santa. Santa and dogs are in the same category--from far away they are great, but up close and we panic. :) Where did you have breakfast with Santa and all the fun snow??

December 7, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterChristie

I am so sad that we missed it. I hope you all had a great time without us!

December 8, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterThe Posti Gang

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