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o' christmas tree how lovely are your branches

Today was C-day. The day we put up our Christmas tree. We do the REAL tree thing, so often times it is a bit more of an adventure then just getting the tree out of the box along with the rest of the Christmas stuff which sometimes I wonder why we don’t start doing that after our Christmas tree adventures every year. This year the adventure started when Colby pulled up and he took the tree out of the car and I rudely (I admit) said, “doesn’t that tree look a little dead?” I think he was a bit upset with me since the pickens were a bit slim from Home Depot, but he thought he found a good one and that was the first thing I said. So we got it in the house and up and let it out of it fish net bindings and did notice one whole side was all brown and looked a bit dead. Brielle even came up and said, “what’s wrong with this tree it’s all brown?” I just started to laugh. Not so nice I know. Anyway, Colby decided since we did pay good money for the tree he would take it back and get another one so he came back with another tree that was nice and green and beautiful. So we got to decorating.

The kids had so much fun putting on the decorations. Brielle got to hang all the ones she made last year in preschool and Cooper liked being his meticulous self and making sure they were placed just right. I love the Christmas tree it’s always fun after all the ornament get put on it to step back every night turn on the lights and look at it and remember past Christmas and what at wonderful time of year it is. One of our favorite family traditions is to exchange ornaments. On Christmas Eve we each open our ornament and hang it on the tree. That way the next year we can look at it and remember what a great Christmas we had, plus we continue to get lots of fun ornaments for our tree. Once the tree goes up the house always feels more festive, too bad my shopping isn’t done.

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Reader Comments (2)

I'm crackin up at Brielle saying "What's wrong with this tree, it's all brown!!" Hilarious! I love the honesty of kids.

December 10, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterJulie

Hey, I am glad that somebody in our family still believes in real trees!!!! Taking that dang tree out of the box is depressing because you know what is looming...FLUFFING all of those branches. The biggest draw back is the lack of that AWESOME smell of a real tree. Don't concede to the dark side...

December 11, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterJason (the bro-in-law)

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