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pacifiers and trains collide

As we have documented from time to time here, Cooper loves his pacifier(s).  And we recognize it's just about time for them to go missing...for good.  And it's no secret that Cooper loves trains.  The hooking, the unhooking, the tracks, the whistles, he loves it all.  So tonight Cooper combined his two loves into one.  He "hooked" the pacifiers together, train style,  and fell asleep.  Choo Choooo Zzzzzz. A little glimpse into the mind of a three year old.

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Reader Comments (2)

That is so cute! he's a cute little guy for sure. I hate when it's time to get rid of the things they love.... how do you get rid of your two middle fingers for Maggie? That little girls day was such a cute idea too! I love great neighbors and friends. So fun for your kids to grow up that way.

November 23, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterKristen

Oh Coopey- always making me want to steal him for being so freaking cute. That picture is priceless.

November 25, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterErin (the little sis)

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