choooo! chhhoooooo!!

Why trains? Why? We have never ridden on a train, we have never exposed our little guy to the fascinating world of trains, but in true Cooper fashion, he has locked on to trains with his laser focus and attention. So we borrowed an insane set from our good neighbors The Postis and Cooper is having a blast.
First thing in the morning...trains, after lunch....trains, before dinner...trains, and he is even taking a few engines with him to bed at night. As you can see, this little set even comes with remotes, something that all men have ingrained into our DNA and require no training to master. Indeed..."All Aboard!"
Reader Comments (2)
That is the cutest picture of Coop. I must agree on his obesession with trains, Carter and him battle over who gets the choo-choooo's at my house.
Oh, my Coopey-Do- He is so cute (see why I want to steal him). I thought the train obsession was just a momentary thing, but he has kept up his obsession for quite some time. You have to do the Polar Express this winter. He would LOVE it!