what kind of parade is this?

I’m not really sure what they consider a parade anymore? We decided for Veteran’s day to go to the Veteran’s Day parade in Down Town Mesa just for fun with our Neighbor’s. Well let me tell you it was a bit of a disappointment. I guess I figured if they were calling it a parade it would have bands, dancers, floats, ets. They had a few bands, 1 dance group, a few scout troops, 1 cheer group, and then some crazy advertisement companies. Like an odd “two men and a truck” moving company truck just driving down the road. I thought if I wanted to see this I could sit on Lindsay and watch the cars drive by and hope one of them throws a piece of candy at the kids. I guess it wasn’t that bad cause the kids had fun, but I just thought if you’re in a parade at least bling out your ride so it looks like you tried a little, for petey sakes. Colby, Lisa and Nate said maybe I should volunteer for the parade committee next year, like I need another thing that I volunteer for, maybe someday I’ll take over the parade committee and we’ll have a real parade, until then the kids will just have to have fun watching the “two men and a truck” moving van be the main parade attraction.
Reader Comments (3)
That is hillarious! Emma has been in that parade before in a little singing group. Otherwise, I for sure would NEVER have been there. Ha ha, parades RULE! kidding.....
Hey guys, I'm one of the owners of the Two Men And A Truck franchise that participated in the parade. I'm sorry you found the parade to be boring. We were participating because one of the owners of our company is himself a veteran of the U.S Army. We just wanted to show our support of the troops, and show off a big shiny veteran owned truck. No one viewed this as a significant markteting oppurtunity. The parade almost didn't happen. I had read they have been having trouble with participants, funding, etc. We'll try and kick things up a notch next year, although I was under the impression we weren't allowed to throw candy into the crowd. Glad you guys came out and hope to see you next year, happy holidays!
Nick Roerig
Oh man, Sis! You are always causing drama. Way to tick off the "Two Guys" guys. Anyways, sorry it was a bummer, but these are our times. People don't want to volunteer and participate unless there is some big motivating factor. It is the "what's in it for me" syndrome. Now looking back, it was nice of those guys to participate and show support for troops. I never really knew of them before ("Two Guys and a Truck") but they seem cool.
PS- the blog world is scary...people are always watching, even when you don't know they are. YIKES! This is why I hate naked pictures on blogs.