a sleep over with thomas the train

Okay so my mom got Cooper a really HUGE Thomas the Train tent that he was so excited about. He totally loves Thomas the Train and when he saw it all set up he said, “Ohhhh my gosh!!!” (That is his new saying for everything) His eyes lit up and he was so stinkin’ excited. He just ran and jumped into the tent and played in there for quit a while. Check out the picture the tent literary takes up almost all our living room. Anyway, then the dreaded question is asked, “can we sleep in it?” NOOOOOOOOOOOOO…. But being the nice mom that I am I decided to let them. So I packed the humongous tent into Coopers room and got it all set up for a sleep over with Cooper and Brielle. They really had fun, but were a little spooked sleeping in there not being able to see out. It only took until 10:00 for them to finally fall a sleep. Oh well I guess you only get to sleep in a gigantic Thomas tent in the middle of your room once in a great while. The nice thing was the next morning they work up and instead of waking us up they decided to color. I guess it was worth it. You can’t go wrong with Thomas the Train. The kids have slept in it two other time now since then and totally love the Thomas the Train tent, you go Thomas.
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