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a night full of wii fun

Do you ever have those moments as a parent where you just sit back and think it is so wonderful to be a parent and you literally thank God for all that he gives you. I have those moments often with my kids and wish I could write about them all the time so I don’t forget them, but with life being so busy I just can’t. But this particular event was just to precious for me not to take a picture of and write about because it was one of those event that I just sat back and said, I love the fact that my kids have such a great daddy that loves them and really did say a little prayer and said “Thanks” with a little tear.

The other day Brielle was at a friends house and Cooper was so sad he couldn’t go so Colby and him decided to play a little Mariocart on the wii. (It was Cooper's idea he was begging Colby to play)  I just sat back and had fun watching them laugh and have fun. They just played for about an hour. Even though Cooper wasn’t even really playing he copied everything Colby did. He turned the wheel when he did, he yelled when he did, he jumped when he did, and he even cheered when he won. I love watching my two boys having fun together and just enjoying the simple things the life has to offer.

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Reader Comments (1)

That is so cute, and definitely worth the picture. I love when the little ones bond and imitate. Cooper looks like he worships his daddy and that was so nice of Colby to take that time with him. It's those little moments that create the memories! Oh, and way to go on your weight loss. I need to get motivated.

February 6, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterSummer Driggs

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