Ringing in the New Years…

Goodbye 2008, Hello 2009. 2008 was such a fun year filled with lots of adventures and it definitely had its ups and downs, so what will 2009 bring, well we’ll soon see…only time will tell! We decided to start off the New Year right with friends and family and staying up way too late celebrating. We had a blast on New Years Eve just playing and enjoying each others company.
It started at 5:00 at Texas Roadhouse with 12 of us so luckily since we live in such a huge city with a million people my sister got smart and did call ahead so instead of waiting for 2 hours we waited for 20 or so minutes, thanks Erin. Then we headed to my house for a little fiesta. (Seriously little just a few friends and my sister and her family) We had each person bring some appetizers over and a bottle of Martinellies Sparkling Cider (gotta love the Martinellies). Then we just hung out. We played game, played the Wii rock band, chatted, played Left, Right, Center, and then when it was midnight we all, barely since we were all so tired, rang in the new year with the TV and good old Dick Clark. It was fun. We went outside at midnight after watching the ball drop and shot off silly string, did poppers, drank our martinellines, and just enjoyed the last little bits of 2008 and the first little bits of 2009! Here’s to a year full of adventures, fun, and excitement. Happy New Years all!!! (Okay after seeing all the pictures of me which I usually don't put in the blog, can you figure out what my new years resolution is? Hint... to lose weight)
Reader Comments (3)
So cute. I love the picture of Jason and Cooper clobbering you with Silly String. It was a nice, low-key event. Loved it! Thanks for hosting it.
Happy New Year! Sounds like you guys had a great time.
Looks like you had a blast--no wonder there was so much screaming coming from your house while I was trying to do my homework. :) I sent Raegan off with her daddy to enjoy the new year so I could ring in mine with some peace and quiet. Hee Hee. Looks like I recognize "Miss Kristen's" kids in your living room. You sure know how to throw a great party!