Bye Bye Stratus : (

The day has come to send off the Dodge Status with little fanfare. Perhaps a tear and a snicker at all the memories. For those of you that don't know, we tend to keep our cars for a while and have had a great run with the Stratus (since 1998). Not a flashy car, no, it's rather plain. I remember buying her at a dealership after my Toyota Corolla took a sudden electrical systems dive and would not recover without significant investment on my part. So I pushed the Corolla from the Toyota service department to the car lot across the street, said my goodbye's, and saddled up to the Stratus.
Oh Stratus, you have endured your fair share of trials over these 10 years. Who would have thought you would have been desired by so many? Twice you have been stolen from us, only to have you returned. You have been a victim of a few small accidents: a crash spun into your sweeping hood and bumper, and some jerk backed into your door in a parking lot ( not to mention and few scrapes and dings here and there). The countless goldfish crackers and water spills you took in stride and have survived it all, a more loyal companion we could not have found for the past 145,000 miles. But it's time to move on.
So we celebrate the passing of one car to the purchase of another. This is our new Highlander (new to us anyway). We got it this weekend (through an auction) and we are liking it so far. It's nothing fancy, and by all accounts should provide safe and reliable travel for a few years. It's super clean (thanks to The Car Cleaners), has super low miles and seems to run well. Most importantly, it has a fuel efficient engine and should get us around 25mpg.
So, we have a new ride. But it comes at a cost...the poor Stratus. I vow to find you a new home. Hello Craigslist!
UPDATE! She is sold and onto a new home. A little sad actually.

Reader Comments (4)
You are so cute ... bye bye Stratus, hello Highlander! You are going to really love the bigger car.
Cute new car! I love it.
I was wondering what happened to the Stratus when I drove by this morning and a new highlander was taking its place in the drive way! Congrats, and enjoy!
Wow! What a nice car! I will have trouble getting used to you driving this, since I have only known you to drive the stratus. Congrats and have fun with it!