life’s what you make it

Brielle has been begging me to rent the new Hannah Montana and Miley Cyrus in Concert DVD that came out so I decided to be nice and rent it, but not only did I rent it, I went a step further and invited three of her best neighborhood friends over for a little Hanna Montana watching party.
It was quite fun to see how different their cute little personalities were. Brielle was the loudest (not unusual), but the life of the party wanting to really just play. Aubrey was quiet and reserved at first just soaking it all in like a little sponge. She actually sat and watched some of the concert, but in the end was having a blast with the rest of them. Rylee was the real Hannah Montana fan. She danced wildly around the room singing all the Hannah Montana song lyrics.
Then there was Reagan, the youngest of the bunch, who came in her cute little white dress and Hannah socks and just followed what the bunch did. She watched a bit with Aubrey, she yelled a bit with Brielle, and then she danced a bit with Reagan. Then we had Cooper who just had so much fun being the only boy with 4 cute girls. He just hung out and yelled and danced like he ruled the place.
It started off with them actually sitting, watching the concert and eating popcorn. Then eventually they were up wondering around playing saying, “concert, what concert?” Until it came ice cream sunday time and they were all about the concert again. They watched intently enjoying their ice cream and the music until you guessed it the ice cream was gone and then so were they right into Brielle’s room for a little girl time with the toys. In a matter of minutes they had her closet full of toys out and were just having a ball in there. It was basically what I expected.
So really I think in the end they watched about 40 minutes of the concert and played the rest of the time. Which is fine because they had a blast and that is what counts. Those are the type of memories you can’t ever take away, great times with your girlfriends. As for me I had a blast just watching the girls and my Cooper enjoying life, since were only here for a short time and I guess we just better make the best of it. One of my favorite Hannah Montana songs is, Life’s What you Make it. If you haven’t heard it, download it and listen to it, the lyrics are great especially when you are living with little ones, it kind of helps you get throughout the day, week, month or even year. So remember, "life's what you make it, so lets make it rock." -Hannah Montana
Reader Comments (3)
What fun!! Those girls adorable.
Reagan had a great time ... they all looked so cute. Great discription of their personalities. You pinpointed them PERFECTLY!
I love the pics and description of each girl. You get mother of the year points for having ALL of them at your house at one time. Rylee had soooo much fun, thanks again for inviting her to come.