the kissing hand

I always told myself when Brielle went to Kindergarten we’d read "The Kissing Hand" by Audrey Penn together and I’d kiss her hand remind her how much I love her and I'd send her off to the big world of school. (If you haven’t read this book it is so great and a perfect book for anyone just starting school). So last night I read the book to her, I waited on purpose because today was the first day I actually just dropped her off at the curb and picked her up at the curb without going up to her room. It was very hard for me to do, but she has been begging me since day one so we’ve taken little baby steps and now I think she is finally ready. I could tell she was very excited, yet a bit nervous, so I reminded her of the "Kissing Hand" and how much we love her and sent her on her way. Isn't she cute, little Miss Independent Brielle?
As for a little update on how her first week of Kindergarten actually went, it went great. She seems to being doing great. She likes her teacher, her classmates, her specials, eating lunch there, playing outside, and she loves having her cousins (Chase and Kinley) there with her, I think that is her favorite part of going to that school. She is really doing good and acts like she has been going to school forever. She isn’t even tired when she comes home, which is amazing since I thought she’d be exhausted. I’m glad she is happy and liking school. Cooper sure misses her. About two or three hours into the day he ask, “let’s go get Baba”. It does bring a tear to my eye, but in the end I know she is happy, learning, and having fun.
Reader Comments (2)
I love that book! I will have to remember to read that to Olivia on Sunday night. Good idea! I am glad that she is enjoying school!
That is so sweet. It must be hard to let her grow up. I just want to keep my kids young forever...until one spills milk all over the carpet while the other one colors on the wall and the baby is in the swing screaming his head off. Then I want them all in school NOW! :) But after that mini-crisis ends I just want to keep them young.