how did the economy get this way?

Okay, it's me again, the husband. Now I want to say from the outset that I normally don't "endorse" embedding random videos into blogs that are overtly political. But for this one, I'll make the exception. For those of you out there that are talking the talk about the economy being bad, talking about bailouts and such, the housing bubble, gas costs etc, but deep down, you know past the soundbites you have no idea why the heck the bottom has fallen out of the market, this is a GREAT 10 minute video of how Washington DC can only work to undermine all that makes America great.
Now I will say, that the first 9 minutes or so are really great, it goes line by line on how political dealings and bad policy set this whole thing in motion. The last minute or so, I could do without, it goes a bit far for me, regardless who is on the other side of the criticism, and the very first 20 seconds or so is rather over the top. So know that going into it. But seriously, 10 minutes, and you will get why things got out of control so quickly.
Still don't believe me? Check out this article from the New York Times published 9 years ago that pretty much called this current mess.
Reader Comments (1)
Instead of slinging any mud myself, I just want to urge everyone to do thier own research and not blindly listen to the claims that EITHER side makes.
With that said, don't forget to vote!