Fast Bacon and Scarey Trains

We went to one of our favorite pre Halloween spots, Schnepf Farms. We always have so much fun there and it always gets us in the Halloween spirit. Anyone who knows me knows I am a sucker for holidays. I love fall and winter because of the holidays. I am all about creating traditions and this is one of them the we started once we had kids and haven’t missed a year since Brielle was born. This year we went with Lisa, Nate, Aubrey, and Dylan, and we all had a blast. The weather was nice a bit warm, but nice and everyone was happy. We took so many picture while we were there that if you want to see all of them check out our photo gallery, there are some pretty cute pictures of the whole bunch.
We had a blast riding all the rides, watching the pig races, enjoying yummy food, and of course going on the scary train ride.
They have some really great rides some of which included a rollercoaster, a bee ride, flying airplanes, swings, a huge slide, and a two-seater bike/car thing. So we had to ride them all of course and guess what the rickety rollercoaster was the kids favorite. I think my favorite was the two-seater bike/car thing that Colby actually pedaled Cooper and I by himself on a dirt road, it was hilarious. I was cracking up the whole time. Both Colby and Nate’s legs were burning after we were done. It was classic.
Then we had to take in the famous pig races where Aubrey and Brielle were chosen to cheer the pigs on as they raced. They had fun doing that, unfortunately their pigs didn’t win, oh well they still got a candy treat so they were all good with that.
Next we headed over to the Hamburger shack for some yummy grub. The kidos had hamburgers and we had pulled pork sandwiches. It was actually really yummy. We love the Schnepf Farms brownies. If you go you have to get a brownie. Yummy.
Then of course we had to do MORE rides, while the guys waited in line for the spooky train ride. After they waited like an hour for the train we headed over there and met them and did my favorite part of all of the farm experience the train. At night it gets spooky. It really is a bit spooky. When the train goes through the orchard people dressed up all creepy and jump out at you and scare the heck out of you. Brielle was in tears. I think Aubrey was just a bit shocked and had no clue if she should laugh or cry. It was way too fun. I love the train.
After the train ride we had to pile our dirty, dusty bodies into the car and head for the long ride home. The kids both fell asleep so it was into the bed they went right when we got home. Nice what more could you ask for! A great day, with great company, two sleeping kids, and finally and hour of peace and quiet to ourselves to rest tell we hit the hay.
Reader Comments (2)
That looks like tons of fun! Good way to start the Halloween holiday! Cute pics too!
Those are cute pics, looks like you guys had fun. Yay for traditions!!