
Welcome 2014

We rang in 2014 in our same old fashion, we hung at our house just chillin', eatin' and setting off fireworks! Just the way we like it! 2013 was amazing, can't wait for what 2014 has to offer!


Baseball star

Cooper decided he wanted to give baseball a try this year so we signed him up and guess what we got the email that every league sends out to the whole group...we need a coach email... so Colby decided he'd step up and coach Cooper's team and can I just say I was one proud wife and mom!  It was so much fun watching Cooper learn the game of baseball from his wonderful, amazing, sweet, patient, great, awesome DAD!  Colby did an amazing job coaching 12 cute kids age 6-8 and even dealt with some fun parents and Cooper did an awesome job going from knowing nothing about baseball to being my BaSeBaLl StAr!  Way to go Cooper you did a wonderful job this session learning some of the fundamentals of baseball, now it's onto the big leagues~Baseball Camp at Oklahoma!


Another year younger

Today we got to go visit Grandpa Heschke for his 96th birthday.  Last year when we went there he said, we'll see if I make it another year, and guess what he's still hangin' in there and cute as ever.  He is absolutely in LOVE with Laikyn, when she comes in he just lights up and gets a big grin on his face, it just makes me melt!  I LOVE being able to see Grandpa and his Great Grandkids together, they've had so much fun learning more about Grandpa and his life as he grew up and what it was like "back in the day".  Grandpa I love you and hope your birthday was as SPECIAL as you are!


up and over

I swear this has been the year of trying new things for our kids so why not try out Volleyball?!?  That's exactly what Brielle decided she wanted to do, as if she didn't have enough going on between school, dance, tumbling, piano, and play.  Truly I'm so happy she decided to try it cause she had a blast and had so much fun being on a TEAM.  She loved playing with girls at her school and just going out there and trying her hardest!  It's crazy how athletic my kids are, we know they didn't get that from me, they can thanks their dad for that! 


Mother's Day Tradition

One of our Mother's Day traditions is to go as a family and visit my mom's grave site and get pictures by it of my sister and I and all the grandkids.  It's so fun to see how the grandkids are growing up to be bright, handsome/beautiful, and wonderful individuals.  My mom would be so proud of her kids and grandkids.  Happy Mother's Day Mom, We LOVE you MORE!