Removal of the little friend
Sunday, August 15

The other day was D-day for Brielle, she had to have her second surgery, she had to have a cyst on her hand removed.  She has had “her little friend” as she calls it on her right hand for a very long time, but it’s been getting bigger and bigger, therefore the doctors thought we should have it removed especially since it was on her right hand and might start connecting to joints, nerves and tendons and would be harder and harder to get out.  So it was 6:00 in the morning and we headed over to the sugery center to have Brielle put under and have the cysts removed.  Even though this is the second time she has had a surgery (last time it was her tubes) I still get so nervous and was just so happy when it was all done and she was back home with me. 

She did great, the whole thing took about 3 hours and by the end of the day she was completely back to her crazy, loud, wild, happy self.   They did say it was a ganglion cyst and luckily it was connected to tendons and not joints or else she would have had to wear a splint for two week.  Now almost two weeks later her stitches are looking good and pretty much back to normal. 

Article originally appeared on it's all a blur (
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