I am amazed by you
Saturday, June 19

As I look around I am always amazed at the wonderful things God has put into my life… I think three of the most amazing things in my life are Brielle, Cooper, and Colby!  When I think of my family they truly do amaze me and I am so grateful for them.  Daily they amaze me.

Cooper is so cute, happy and crazy.  You never know what your going to get from this cutie.  Some mornings I’ll come out and he’ll be wanting to eat four cereals mixed together with goggles on while watch Spongebob.  He is just such a sweet young man. 

Then there is our sweet Brielle who is getting so beautiful and grown up!  Daily I’m just surprised at how amazing she is, she is a smarty-pants who loves to help out, please everyone, and have lots of friends.  People are drawn to her and her sweetness. 

Finally, there is one of the most amazing men in my life (besides God) and that is my wonderful hubby, Colby, who is just awesome.  I am always amazed by what he can do!  He’s that person you hate cause he can work a full time job then come home and play with his kids, help put them to bed and then write a 30 page paper in about 2 hours before it’s do and get an A on it.  He also saves us lots of money cause he is our handy man, he’ll do everything from putting in a doggy door, putting up his own punching bag in the garage, change our car oil, or pretty much you name it he’ll do it.  I mean he even looks up how to make an air rocket and puts it together in a few hours like it’s no big deal just so him and the kids can have some cheap fun… Isn’t he amazing.  I love him so much and could never imagine my life with out this amazing man, husband, and father! 


My Family is so amazing and I am a blessed momma.  I thank God daily for my amazing husband that I was blessed to meet and marry.  Colby you are great and we love you so much.  Happy Father’s day, you really do AMAZE us!

Article originally appeared on it's all a blur (http://itsallablur.squarespace.com/).
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