weight loss update
Monday, February 2

I promised and update so it's an update you get...
It’s been almost three weeks since I have started my weight loss and I’m doing pretty well. I am down 12 pounds which means 5.95% body fat dropped and still revved up and ready to lose. I have cut my portions in half and cut out almost all of the sweets. I have also done some working out. I have been doing my wii fit whenever I can find a bit of time. Cooper thinks it is fun to watch me do it, except one day he was watching and I guess got a bit bored and the picture says it all. My goal for the next three weeks is too start writing everything down and working out at least three times a week. Soon I’ll be down to a light 125 pounds and looking fly, oh my I think I was dreaming a bit. Just kidding I can do it, positive thinking.

Article originally appeared on it's all a blur (http://itsallablur.squarespace.com/).
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