Brielle was being her normal self and riding around the neighborhood on her bike enjoying the outside when she slid her bike on its side and hit her head way hard on the street. Colby and I went running over there and she was crying and we could tell her head was really hurting so we took her inside to lay on the coach. She was doing okay, but was way tired. We checked her eyes, kept her awake and did everything else you are suppose to do when a kids hits their head. About an hour later she was doing okay but still a bit upset. I was getting dinner ready and the kids were sitting at the table when I heard Brielle ask me, “mom where is Reagan?” (that was her friend that was over just about 5 min. before she asked that question, who came over and played with Cooper since Brielle was felling so yucky) So I said, “honey I sent Reagan home.” Brielle started to cry and said she wanted to play with her, but about as fast as she stared to cry she stopped crying. It was weird. Then about 1 minute later she said, “mom, where is Reagan?” I replied the same as before thinking what the heck. Then seriously, 1 minutes later the same question came from my smart as can be little girls mouth, “mom, where is Reagan?” Now have you ever seen those movies where the actresses drop their fork in slow motion that is how I was. I was freaking out now. I yelled, “Colby this is NOT normal, we have go to take her to the ER” It was so bad Cooper was even answering her questions. She was asking what today was, she was asking why her head hurt over and over. She didn’t even remember falling off her bike. I didn’t know what to do because I also had a Pampered Chef show in 15 minutes that I had to be at. So we decided to send Cooper to our friends house across the street, I was going to go to my Pampered Chef show and just do the show part of it (only about 40 min.) and Colby would take Brielle to the ER and I would meet him there. So we did that. I called Colby about 1 hour later and he had already got into the ER and had a CT scan and was just waiting to get the results. He said to finish my show and just call when I was done. So I did and when I called they were already home. I ran home and Brielle was a sleep. The doctor said the CT scan showed all was normal, but she did have a mild concussion and we just needed to watch her and be careful of her activities for the next little while. It’s times like this that I am so grateful for my faith in God and prayer. I prayed so much that hour and just knew God would take care of my little girl. I was so grateful that night for my kids, my sweet husband and my Father in Heaven. I sure love my family and loved having my smart, loud, fun, Brielle around today.