flying and hopping-a little of both
Monday, January 26

We have had so much fun these last few months growing and studying our little butterflies and tadpoles. Brielle got two cool kits for her birthday where she gets to get caterpillars and watch them turn into butterflies and a tadpole and watch her grow into a frog. Well since it is so blasted hot here in July we couldn’t get our caterpillars or tadpole until it got under 100 degrees. Well we finally got them in November. Seriously ridiculous I know, but oh well, now it’s beautiful. So we got our caterpillars first and we just had a blast watching them change into chrysalises. Once they turned into chrysalises we put them into the butterfly pavilion and hung them over the dinner table. A little creepy, but fun. The kids loved watching them and wondering when they’d change. We’ll they did finally turn into butterflies while Brielle was at school. It was so neat to see. I would go into the kitchen and one butterfly would be out and flying around, I would leave and then come back and there was another, then another, then another, until we had four beautiful painted lady butterflies. When Brielle got home we fed her butterflies and just had fun observing them. It was quiet the fun science experiment. She even took her butterflies to school for show and tell. She had 27 students following her around like puppies. It was so cute. Then we headed to Freestone Park and let them go. It was really cool to let them go cause they got onto the kids fingers and then flew away home. She had so much fun raising her butterflies. I guess we figure since she doesn’t have a cat or dog we’d get her butterflies. Then we got a tadpole, that was quit fun, ribbit-ribbit…..

Our cute little tadpole has been awesome to watch. It was crazy how long the whole process actually took. We got him in November and still had him in January. We got him and he was just a little under a inch long and swimming around. We had a blast watching him grow into a frog. I think Colby and I had the most fun watching this cool transformation. Anyway, he was almost a full-fledged froggy. He grew front and back legs, his tail was getting smaller and we could even see him breathing. It was so cool. I was just waiting for him to jump out of the water, but then to my surprise and sadness our little “Lilly”, that was her name, passed away. We (Colby and I) checked on her at night and we knew that she was gone. I was so sad and really didn’t want to break the news to Brielle, her little Lilly was gone. Fortunately she took the news well. We buried her in the backyard. If Colby had his way she’d be flushed, but Brielle really wanted to bury her. Therefore, Lilly lies peacefully in our backyard and we have a cool memory of our little foggy.

What animal will we get next? Only time will tell, but if Brielle had her way we’d have a farm full of animals in our little house.

Article originally appeared on it's all a blur (
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