fat be gone
Monday, January 12
Heather in Life

Okay so now is the time, I have to lose some major weight and together we are going to do it. You are all going to be my inspiration. I figure I’ll keep you updated each month with my progress (hopefully there is some) and by this time next year I’ll be able to put a new picture of myself on the blog in a swimming suit. Okay let’s not get crazy or anything. Really thought I have to start to reclaim my life and get healthy again not only for me but for Colby and my kidos. The plan is to work out daily, eat great, and feel great.

Some of you don’t know about my crazy weight history so let me fill you in. As a kid I was not a rail, but I wasn’t fat I was pretty average. Once I got into ASU I decided I wanted to really get fit and thin so I was a workout a holic. Seriously, I worked out about 5 hours a day and ate perfect. I looked so good. That is how I scored my hunka hunka burnin’ love of a husband. I started to work for the YMCA were I was an aerobics instructor. I taught high/low impact aerobics and step aerobic and lifted free weights daily. I couldn’t be stopped until I got married and had a sweet baby. Isn’t that how it always starts. Then I gained the weight. Yicks I couldn’t have that so after having Brielle I did weigh watchers and lost about 80 pounds and was doing super dupper, but guess what I got pregnant again and you guessed it put on the LBS again. So now I am back to square one and it is time I have got to get this weight off once and for all. Not because I don’t think I am not beautiful, but because I feel so much better when the weight is off. My back feels better, my knees don’t ache, my headaches are better (believer it or not exercise and food choices sure helps headaches), my attitude is better, my heart is better, etc, etc, etc, I could go on and on. So people we are going to do it. Okay so I am going to do it and figure I’ll put it on the blog so you can all help keep me motivated to lose some major weight. Let’s getter’ done… (Any words of encouragement or friendly advice are always welcomed.)

Article originally appeared on it's all a blur (http://itsallablur.squarespace.com/).
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