Widow Invasion
Friday, September 5
Heather in Life

So a few weeks ago, I went out to the garage to work on the car a bit and I noticed a bunch of small webs everywhere in a corner.  I saw probably about 500 little spiders, I mean tiny ones, clinging to a few webs, all clustered.  I slowly looked around and noticed 5 or 6 black widows in their webs on every corner of everything.  Backing away, I loaded up my sprayer and got the heck out of there, all the while trying to keep my skin from crawling off my bones.

The next weekend, (after spraying a bit), I began to move some of our STUFF out of the way to find THE SOURCE of all the spiders.  You see, all the ones I had seen to this point were very young, and not even black yet.  For those of you that don't know, young Black Widows are brown with white stripes on their back (at least in Arizona). 

As I peered back behind a wooden chest, I saw the problem.  There was a HUGE black widow and SIX egg sacks in her care.  Needless to say, I'm not sure if the insecticide or the drowning killed her, but she (and her eggs) were toast.  There must have been hundreds of dead cricket mummies in the corner (I was wondering why there were no crickets in our garage this year). 

Hopefully, after spraying everything that could be sprayed, the spiders are gone.  

Article originally appeared on it's all a blur (http://itsallablur.squarespace.com/).
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