sprinkles - don't bother <zoom>
Wednesday, August 13
Heather in Life

About a month ago, everyone got the itch to go up to Scottsdale and try the Beverly Hills sensation...Sprinkles.  Now for those of you that don't know about Sprinkles, they sell cupcakes.  And because they are in Beverly Hills, I guess they feel they can charge $4 a piece.  And they can, because there was quite the line at the door to make the purchase.


Now, I have to say, these cupcakes were not over-sized, as one might expect after paying $4 per cupcake.  You may think  that perhaps you are paying for the experience, you know, a place to sit down, eat a $4 cupcake and listen to some new age music.  You might think that they tasted like no other cupcake on the planet, but no, they were actually rather average. I dare say below average! 

We tried about 4 different kinds, the famous Red Velvet, the chocolate, the strawberry, the cherry...and none impressed.  Even the kids didn't finish them.  A few bites, and down they went onto the plate to stay.  Just look at Brielle's face, that says it all.

My recommendation, save your money, save your taste buds and save yourself the disappointment of Sprinkles.  Heck, cupcakes out of a box taste just as average.


Now you are probably saying, "What is up with the <zoom> in the title?" Well, this is a feature that we have implemented across the whole blog that allows you to click a picture and ZOOM! the image zooms right in, so you can see it all!  Go ahead, give it a try.  Very fancy, much more fancy than Sprinkles.


Article originally appeared on it's all a blur (http://itsallablur.squarespace.com/).
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