one day to the next
Sunday, August 10
Heather in Life

'Twas the week before school and all through the house not a creature was stirring not even a mouse, well maybe a mouse we wouldn’t have known if a mouse was in our house because we were out on the town all week playing.  We had so much fun just hanging out playing with every friend and family member we could think of.  It started on Monday and ended on Sunday night.  Just in time for school to starts tomorrow.  

On Monday we drove to what felt like another state to eat lunch with Colby at work.  We ate at Whole Foods, which if you have never been there for lunch you have to go it was so yummy and the choices were unbelievable.  I was in heaven.  I couldn’t even make up my mind it was great.  (Plus it helps to have a gift certificate) Brielle wanted to stay the rest of the day and help Colby work, but he wasn’t going for that.  

Tuesday was neighborhood playday.  Lisa, Amy and I headed to one of our favorite spots to hang with the kids for lunch, Chick-fil-a (free kids meals on Tuesday you can’t beat that) Where the kids can play in the play area and we can actually talk.  It was fun to chat about how our girls are getting a bit snotty and just plain girly.  It was funny to compare notes and see that what I was experiencing was what they were also experiencing.  Nice, just in time to send them off to school, sorry kindergarten teachers.

Sarah (one of our closest friends that up and left us to go to Maricopa) and I took the kidos over to Jeepers on Wednesday for a little fun on some amusement park rides.  It was great when we got there we found out it was half price Wednesday.  (I was scoring big time this week with saving money, yeppie I love when that happens)  Anyway, the kids had a blast on the jets, bugs, carousel, monkey barrels, bumper cars, jeeps, and their favorite the rollercoaster that goes forward and backwards.  Sarah and I only partook in the rollercoaster once, which is about all we could handle, thank you very much.

Now it was time on Thursday to head over to Superstition Springs Mall and PPP.  If you don’t know what that is, it stands for the good old, Peter Piper Pizza.  We met Jamie and Christy some of my oldest high school friends to play at  the mall play area and the to eat pizza and play games.  It was really fun to catch up and  meet their wonderful kids.  My friend Christy made me the cuties little apron, which will be perfect for my Pampered Chef shows when I want to be extra cute or just for cooking.  Some how Brielle thinks it’s her apron, so she has wanted to help me cook all week.  Thanks Christy it is so adorable.  

Then Friday came and it was pizza again, but this time Chuck E Cheese pizza.  We had fun eating pizza, playing games, and catching up with Brielle’s preschool buddies that she hadn’t seen since the end of preschool.  That was really fun because there were like five different families there playing and chatting.  She had a really great group of friends in preschool that we really hope to keep in touch with.  She was sad because her favorite little boy friend, Christopher, wasn’t there he had already started school, but at least his mom came with his little brother, Jake that Brielle has fun playing with.  Cooper just kept asking for more money.  I remember the days when we could go there and they had no clue that the games took tokens, what happened to those days it was so much cheaper? Then on Friday night we had Jami (Colby sister) and Scotts kids over while they went out for their anniversary so we decided to have a little cousin sleep over.  That was fun.  We watched Nim’s Island, had popcorn, stayed up late, and even had doughnuts in the morning.  We love cousins.  


Cleaning, cooking, swimming, UFC, and Kung Fu Panda was what our Saturday consisted of.  On Saturday night Colby had some guys over to watch the Ultimate Fight Championship that they love to watch so I cleaned and cooked in the morning while he took the kids swimming for the last time this summer.  (So sad.)  While the guys watched the fight the girls went to the movies.  Erin (my sister), Kinley, Cooper, Brielle, and I headed out to dinner at Bajios and to see Kung Fu Panda.  That movie was so awesome.  If you haven’t seen it yet go see it. I’d give it four stars, two thumbs up.!!!  The kids loved it and I even laughed out loud.  Kinley said I am embarrassing, me embarrassing, can you even believe it.  When we got home the kids played and they finally got to sleep way late again.  That’s okay they had another great night with their cousins.  Family is so important, even though Kinley and Brielle fight like sisters.  Deep down we know they love each other.

Finally, on Sunday we did a little shopping with the family.  (One of Colby’s favorite things to do, yeah right.)  We just looked around.  Then we headed over to Erin’s house for some yummy grub at family night.  Thanks Erin for dinner I didn’t want to have to cook again.  

Our week was filled with adventure and fun.  Now we will have to finally settle down and just hang out.  This week I vow to workout everyday.  Okay most days.  

Article originally appeared on it's all a blur (
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