Friday, July 18
Heather in Life

Okay, okay, okay I have decided to take the plunge and join the “DARK” side. the blog world.  I have sent Adorable Brielle and Handsome Colby off to go fishing for Father’s Day with Nate and Aubrey next-door (I think both dads are SO excited) and I have my Sweet Cooper in bed with me (he came running at full speed in here at 6:35 to sleep next to me) and of course I  couldn’t sleep because I was thinking about this blog so I decided I would start my first entry while the house is calm and quit.    Now everyone reading knows this won’t be perfect, my writing will be scattered at times, off track, not grammatically correct and a bit interesting, and you may even scratch your head and ask yourself, “WHAT”, but know there are two reasons I’m doing this so called “blog” thing for my KIDS and for FUN.  

First, for my kidos.  I really want them to have something that they can read and reflect on when they are older.  They are young for only a short period of time, they grow up so fast. I have to archive what I can and try to remember everything I can.  I have always loved journaling (normally I don’t let tons of people read it, but what the heck were in the year 2000 right let’s let everyone into our lives, just kidding) ever since I was young I have journaled.  (I even have my journals and like to read through them from time to time.)  So I figure why not do a journal of sort for the kids.  So my plan is to have Colby and I write about most EVERYTHING and at the end of a year put this whole blog into a cool book and have it published for the family to have a book of each years memories.  Maybe we can send it out to everyone as our Christmas card (OH NO we’d never want to get rid of Colby’s awesome Christmas letters.)    

Then the second reason (I guess I should say we since Colby will be helping a TON okay he’ll be doing almost all of it) is because all my friends say on a daily basis… “Heather when are you getting a blog, Heather your so creative you have to do one of these things, come on it SO fun….blaaa… blaaa…blaaaaa…” So you know me I had to take the challenge and try to out do them and do something really cool and fun.  Just kidding everyone.  So here is our blog.

Really I think it will just be something fun for the kids to have and for Colby and I to do together and that is my true hope. I think if I do this blog and really keep up with it I may hate it at times, but the end result will be amazing, fabulous, wonderful, brilliant, a work of art…….  So I hope you all enjoy “It’s all a BLUR!”

Article originally appeared on it's all a blur (
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