a birthday to remember
Saturday, December 20
Heather in Life

On Monday I had a birthday to remember. It was such a fun celebration filled with fun, family, and food my three favorite things.  We stared the morning off at our favorite little doughnut shop called “The Ninth Hole”. It is a locally owned joint with the best doughnuts that are all made fresh that morning. If you need a sweet treat in the morning this would be the place to hit. It is yummy and they are super friendly.


Then I dropped Brielle off to school and I had to teach my hour math class which was okay the kids were super good and it went by fast. Then, I hurried home so Colby and I could go get some Christmas shopping done with out Brielle. That is pretty much what you do when your birthday is so close to Christmas. Then we met my sister for lunch at “My Big Fat Greek Restaurant” yum dog, it was good, cheap (with the lunch specials and free kids meals) and the baklava was luscious. Then of course, a bit more shopping until I had to get Brielle from school.


Finally, after we got Brielle we headed out for an evening of fun. Yes we went out to eat. When it’s my birthday I refuse to cook since I do it so much during the year I figure the one day I am not doing it is my birthday. I’ll let someone else cook for me. We headed to Logan’s Roadhouse for a yummy, cheap dinner. (They have cheap specials during the week if you are looking for a cheap place to eat) Next, we saw a movie with the kids, BOLT in 3-D. It was so cute, the kids loved it and so did we. I would totally recommend it to anyone. Cooper just sat there and watched it and was mesmerized by it he loved it.

I had such a fun, relaxing birthday with my family. I am so grateful to have them in my life. I don’t mind getting older as long as I have my super duper family by my side. Thanks everyone for the fun emails, phone calls, notes, cards, and presents you are all so important to me and I love you all.

Article originally appeared on it's all a blur (http://itsallablur.squarespace.com/).
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