Anyone who knows our family know we usually have more then one of every holiday celebration or birthday celebration, I guess that is what happens when both sets of family live in the state. So of course Thanksgiving was no exception, this year we enjoyed three Thanksgiving celebrations and they were all wonderful and delicious, but all had a bit of drama.
The first one was our Bi-annual Flake Family Thanksgiving (yes I am a Flake, that was my maiden name) and it was fun and full of people approximately 70. It’s always fun to see my Flake cousins and see how they are all doing. You know nosey me I like to know how everyone is doing and what they are up to. The food was actually really yummy considering it was potluck style. I always hate the whole potluck thing cause you never know what your going to get, but my Aunt Bridget did a great job of making sure we had all the traditional Thanksgiving food and the perfect amount. Now of course no big Thanksgiving get together would be complete with out a little funny moment so of course we had to have one. The Flake’s like to have little touchy feely moments where were all go around and tell a little something something. I like this type of stuff, but you know Jason and Colby were just thinking could we please just eat??? So we were suppose to say what we were thankful for and any news. Everyone went around and said stuff like family, the mountains, my health, etc. Then it was our turn and my brother-in-law went first and he stared off with basic stuff like his kids, then went into the price of diesel, and then the fact he had a job, which I was thinking yeah that’s good and then he said, “we are thankful we are still together”. Everyone was completely silent except me and I busted up laughing in my high-pitched cackle (as my family calls it). Then my sister tries to say stuff like I didn’t know we were thinking of no staying together. She was horrified. It was so funny. Mainly cause of how he said it, I totally knew what he meant, but still way funny. Then I had to follow that act after busting up. I can’t even remember what I said of course the main stuff like family, etc, but in the end I said oh yes I am thankful we are still together also. It was great. Thanks Jason for lightning up the moment. It’s always fun. Then of course we got to eat yummy food, visit, play a little dodge ball, and get way to dirty in the sad/mud box. Cooper and Brielle were filthy, but they had a blast.
Our second Thanksgiving was the next day (Friday) at Colby’s sister Jami’s house. Which was way fun. Of course the food was absolutely delicious. If you don’t know Colby’s family, they are wonderful cooks. Their food it so good. Everything was perfect from the turkey all the way down to the pie. Oh and nothing is store bought it’s all homemade so that makes it even yummier. I think I gained a million pounds. We had Thanksgiving dinner at noon and then ate again at 6:00, it was a beautiful thing. Like I said before no holiday is complete without a bit of drama, right when we got to Jami’s Cooper stated acting weird. He was fine in the morning, but then he started acting like he was totally sick. So I gave him some medicine and he seemed okay but by 6:00 he was looking so sick again we had to go home and get him ready for bed. The poor guy fell a sleep on Jami’s couch watch TV. He is so cute. Anyway, we got home and put him to bed. The kids had so much fun at Jami’s, the food was wonderful, and the company was great. Oh by the way we took Cooper to Urgent Care the next night cause he was feverish and wouldn’t talk and when he did he talked funny and his throat was way red and guess what strep throat. Crazy since nothing seemed wrong at first then all of a sudden boom sick.
Our last Thanksgiving celebration was with my mom and my sister’s family at my house. Now we always have family night at my house so this was not anything different except we fancied it up a bit. We did yummy steaks that my mom bought from AJ’s that were so delicious and tender. I couldn’t believer the difference between the quality and taste in steaks from AJ’s and from Walmart or Fry’s. It was 100 times better from AJ’s there were wonderful. Then I made lots of fun food and so did Erin and we had quite the feast. We had steak, whipped potatoes, cheese rolls, jello, spinach salad, roasted asparagus, pumpkin cheesecake, and hot chocolate. (All homemade of course I’ll post some of the recipes below for some of this years favorite Thanksgiving recipes) We had fun just eating and talking and having fun. Thanks Colby for grilling all the steaks you are such a good man. Drama you ask, of course while eating Chase all of a sudden turned pale ran and got a napkin and ran like a flash of lightning to the bathroom and threw up. It was great, I think he throws up at every holiday. Then of course Cooper ate Spinach salad and didn’t really love it and put way too much in his mouth started gagging and I ran over there just in time to catch him throwing up into the napkin and onto his shirt and roll. Sweet, like I said no nice family dinner can be complete without just a little drama. Then that night Colby felt sick to his stomach, Colby is another one that is ALWAYS sick on the holidays. I hope Cooper isn’t inheriting that from his dad. Oh well we love drama on the holidays, it’s always great.
Happy Thanksgiving all! Hopefully your Thanksgiving was as memorable, delicious, and fun as ours. We have many things to be thankful for but a good life, family and friends are just a few of the things that we are especially thankful for this year.